Real Life Friends versus Virtual Friends
Read the following scenario to your class and ask the students to consider the situation. Lead a discussion with students using the provided prompts below.
Abby is a 14- year-old girl who attends a public school in a small town. Her favorites things to do after school are hang out with friends and get on Facebook. During the last couple of weeks Abby has been "talking" online with a new 18-year-old friend named Cooper whom she met on Facebook. Cooper told Abby that he would be visiting her small town next weekend and would really like to see her. He has asked to meet her at the mall and Abby is excited to meet him. On the other hand, she feels a little uncomfortable about the upcoming meeting.
Abby is a 14- year-old girl who attends a public school in a small town. Her favorites things to do after school are hang out with friends and get on Facebook. During the last couple of weeks Abby has been "talking" online with a new 18-year-old friend named Cooper whom she met on Facebook. Cooper told Abby that he would be visiting her small town next weekend and would really like to see her. He has asked to meet her at the mall and Abby is excited to meet him. On the other hand, she feels a little uncomfortable about the upcoming meeting.
- Why do you suppose Abby is feeling uncomfortable about the meeting?
- What could one of Abby's friends do to persuade her that meeting Cooper is risky?
- Suppose that Abby is determined to meet Cooper despite her friends concersns. Should one of her friends tell an adult about the meeting anyway? Why or why not?
- Even if Cooper turns out to be exactly whom he says he is, are there any other risks for Abby? If so, what other risks exist for Abby?