Digital Media and My Life
Digital media and technologies are electronic devices and media platforms such as computers, cell phones, digital video, social networking sites, the Internet, video games, and virtual worlds, which allow users to create, communicate and interact with one another or with the device or application themselves. Digital media is a 24/7 part of our lives and culture. You must understand how Digital Media impacts your life to be a good Digital Citizen. Watch the video below, then complete your first Digital Citizenship assignment.
Assignment 2: My Digital Media Concept Map
Thinking about what Digital Media is, and remembering what you saw in the video, create a concept map that contains the following headings: “Types of Digital Media", “Actions” (things you do with social media), “My Feelings”, and “My Parents’ Feelings” (these items should be about feelings towards digital media). Reflect and brainstorm about all four parts of the concept map. List items that are both general (e.g., cell phones) and specific (e.g., playing World of Warcraft) about your life and the digital media that surrounds you. You can find an example one of a partially completed concept map here.
Creating Your Concept Map
You will be using the app Popplet Lite (free app) to create your concept map. Here is a video that gives a brief overview of how to use Popplet Lite.
Once you have created your concept map, you will need to click export and choose "Save JPEG." After you've saved your JPEG, use your Google Drive app to upload the image to your drive. You will then share your image as your teacher directs you.