Your Digital Footprint
Filling out a form, sending an email to a friend, posting a photo, pretty much everything you do online leaves a trail. The trail you leave behind is called your digital footprint. This footprint is made up of bits and pieces of information on your computer and other computers around the world. This footprint allows other people to learn about you.
Questions to consider before posting:
Digital Footprint: all of the information online about a person either posted by that person or by others, intentionally or unintentionally.
Previous generations didn’t have to worry about mistakes following them into the future nearly as much as today’s generation. With the internet, today’s users have information available with just a simple search. Collectively, all of the digital content that you create, and that others create about you, becomes your online reputation or digital footprint. And today, that’s the reputation that matters most. People have already looked you up online, and that is going to continue to happen for the rest of your life. |
The delete button on the websites you use-- the ones that make you feel safe and in control-- are still there, and usually they still work. It just may not be the case that you have the only copy of whatever your posted. All it takes is the click of a mouse to download a picture from Facebook or a video from YouTube. With the tap of a key, users can take a snapshot of a computer or mobile screen have have their own copy of any tweet or Facebook update, Snapchat image or Skype session.
Assignment 8: Where Have You Been Walking?
A Visual Representation of Your Digital Footprint
You will be creating a visual representation of your digital footprint. You will be using the app Skitch to create your Visual Footprint. Save the footprint on the left to your photos. In Skitch, you will need to edit the image of the footprint to include various websites and apps that you visit regularly (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.). Once you've included all of your regular online hangouts, highlight at least two of them and give more specifics about how they could influence what others can see and think about you based on your activity. Once you've created your footprint, you will need to save it to your camera roll. You will then turn in your footprint according to your teacher's directions. Click here to see an example.
*Note: you do not need to login to Evernote to use Skitch, simply choose "Maybe Later" and proceed to the editing page. You will not be able to save your content to edit later, but you can export to your photos.*